2016 Election (12th) Edition
Oxford University Press
Published: January 2017
Read online chapters:
Chapter 15: Domestic Policy and Policymaking
Chapter 16: Foreign and Defense Policy
Available at Amazon
What the typical introductory-level student knows about American government and politics is often based on common myths that distort the reality of the political world. Rather than dismissing those myths as outright falsehoods, American Government: Myths and Realities, 2014 Election Edition, encourages students to confront their preconceived notions in order to think critically about government and politics. Clearly and distinctively woven into each chapter, the myths-and-realities theme provides a pedagogical framework that engages students with interesting conundrums while effectively covering the core concepts of American government.
Previous editions:
American Government, 10th
American Government, 9th
American Government, 8th Update
American Government, 8th
American Government, 7th
American Government, 6th
American Government, 5th
American Government, 4th
American Government, 3rd
American Government, 2nd
American Government, 1st (no link)
Note: Release date and copyright dates for textbooks such as this are misleading and often misstated on used book website. Publishers typically use legal loophole that allows them to use copyright a year later than actual release date. E.g., a 2015 text such as our 11th edition is called the 2014 Election edition but is published in January 2015 — and yet carries copyright of 2016. This seems to be standard practice…. To make matters more confusing, bookseller sites often use the actual year of release, e.g, that 2015 publication was at the booksellers warehouses in 2014, and so some note that as copyright date.