Alan R. Gitelson, Robert L. Dudley, Melvin J. Dubnick AMERICAN GOVERNMENT: MYTHS AND REALITIES 2016 Election (12th) Edition
Chapter 1: Making Sense of American Politics (pp. 2-31)
Chapter 2: Constitutional Foundations (pp. 36-68)
Chapter 3: Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations (pp. 72-105)
Chapter 13: Bureaucracy (pp. 398-432)
Chapter 15: Domestic Policy and Policymaking (40pp online)
Chapter 16: Foreign and Defense Policy (33pp online)
Policy Connection, Chapter 1: What is America's role in the world? (pp. 32-35)
Policy Connection, Chapter 2: What does it mean to say the public policies must be constitutional? (pp. 69-71)
Policy Connection, Chapter 3: How does federalism and IGR shape American public policy? (pp. 106-111)
Policy Connection, Chapter 4: Do national security policies threaten the American commitment to civil liberties? (pp. 142-145)
Policy Connection, Chapter 5: How important are human rights policies? (pp. 173-175)
Policy Connection, Chapter 6: Can public policymaking. Actually involve the "public"?? (pp. 205–207)
Policy Connection, Chapter 7: What kind of impact do political parties have on public policymaking? (pp. 233-235)
Policy Connection, Chapter 8: Are elections an effective way to make public policies? (pp. 271-273)
Policy Connection, Chapter 9: How do nonpolitical groups contribute to solving public policy problems? (pp. 299-301)
Policy Connection, Chapter 10: How do government policies shape the media landscape? (pp. 328-331)
Policy Connection, Chapter 11: What policies are responsible for the national debt? (pp. 362-365)
Policy Connection, Chapter 12: Does the president really control American foreign policy? (pp. 394-397)
Policy Connection, Chapter 13: What do administrative reform policies attempt to improve? (pp. 433-435)
Policy Connection, Chapter 14: What role does discretion play in our criminal justice system? (pp. 465-468)
Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy (EPAP), 3rd edition, edited with Domonic Bearfield (New York: Taylor & Francis, online and in print late 2015)
“The Ontological Challenge.” In Oxford Handbook of Public Accountability, edited by Mark Bovens, Robert E. Goodin, and Thomas Schillemans, 649–54. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
”Barnard's Regret: Zones of Accountability and the Limits of Authority," with Jonathan B. Justice. Public Integrity, 16 (2): 141-157.
AMERICAN GOVERNMENT, 10th edition, with Alan R. Gitelson and Robert L. Dudley. (Boston: Wadsworth/Cengage, 2011).
"Move Over Daniel: We Need Some 'Accountability Space,'” ADMINISTRATION & SOCIETY, 43 (6) (September 2011): 704-716.
"The Pursuit of Accountability: Promise, Problems, and Prospects," with Kaifeng Yang, in Donald C. Menzel and Harvey L. White (eds.), THE STATE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, ISSUES, CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES (M. E. Sharpe, 2011), chapter 11.
PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY: PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT, THE EXTENDED STATE, AND THE SEARCH FOR TRUST, with H. George Frederickson, (Washington DC: National Academy of Public Administration / Dayton, OH: The Kettering Foundation, 2011).
ACCOUNTABLE GOVERNANCE: PROMISES AND PROBLEMS, edited with H. George Frederickson (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2011).
"Introduction," with H. George Frederickson, in Melvin J. Dubnick and H. George Frederickson (eds.), ACCOUNTABLE GOVERNANCE: PROMISES AND PROBLEMS (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2011), pp. xi-xxx.
"Rethinking the Obsession: Accountability and the Financial Crisis," with Justin P. O'Brien, in Melvin J. Dubnick and H. George Frederickson (eds.), ACCOUNTABLE GOVERNANCE: PROMISES AND PROBLEMS (Armonk,, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2011), chapter 18.
“Conclusion: Taking Stock and Moving Forward,” with H. George Frederickson, in Melvin J. Dubnick and H. George Frederickson (eds.), Accountable Governance: Promises And Problems (M.E. Sharpe, 2011), pp. 302-303.
"Toward a 'Responsible' Future: Reframing and Reforming the Governance of Financial Markets," in Iain McNeil and Justin P. O'Brien (eds.), THE FUTURE OF FINANCIAL REGULATION (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2010), Chapter 24, pp. 401-427 (page proofs)
"Aggressive Action: In Search of a Dominant Narrative," with Dorothy F. Olshfski, and Kathe Callahan. 2009. In The Impact of 9/11 on the Media, Arts, and Entertainment, ed. M. J. Morgan. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 9-24 (chapter 1) (proof pages).
Gitelson, Alan R., Robert L. Dudley, and Melvin J. Dubnick. 2009. AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. 9th ed. Boston: Wadsworth/Cengage.
Gitelson Dudley & Dubnick 2008: The 8th Edition Update of Gitelson, Dudley & Dubnick's AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (Houghton Mifflin)
Gitelson Dudley & Dubnick 2007: The 8th Edition of Gitelson, Dudley & Dubnick's AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (Houghton Mifflin)
"Sarbanes-Oxley And The Search For Accountable Corporate Governance," GovNet eJournal 1 (2):140-172. Also Chapter 9 in Justin O'Brien (ed) Private Equity, Corporate Governance and the Dynamics of Capital Market Regulation (London: Imperial College Press, 2007): 226-254.
"Sowing and Reaping at the Big Dig: The Legacies of Neomanagerialism," with Domonic Bearfield, ADMINISTRATIVE THEORY & PRAXIS, 29:1 (March):132-139.
"War Narratives: Framing Our Understanding of the War on Terror," with Kathe Callahan and Dorothy Olshfski, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW , 66:4 (July/August): 554-568.
"Promises, Pervasions and Perversions in the Age of Accountability." CHIEF OFFICER, May-June: 31-34.
"Accountability and the Evil of Administrative Ethics," with Jonathan B. Justice. ADMINISTRATION & SOCIETY 38 (2) May, 2006:236-267.
"Taking Tough Choices Seriously: Public Administration and Individual Moral Agency," with Ciarán O'Kelly, JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND THEORY (J-PART), 16 (3) July, 2006: 393-415.
"Accountability and the Promise of Performance: In Search of the Mechanisms," PUBLIC PERFORMANCE AND MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 28 (3) March: 376-417.
"Accountability Through Thick and Thin: Making Assessments and Making Cases" with Ciarán O'Kelly, in ETHICS IN PUBLIC MANAGEMENT, 2nd edition, edited by H. George Frederickson and Richard K. Ghere (M.E. Sharpe, 2005), chapter 7 (pp. 139-162).
"[Case 1] Comments," in Kathe Callahan, Dorothy F. Olshfski, and Erwin Schwella, eds. 2005. GLOBAL PUBLIC MANAGEMENT: CASES AND COMMENTS. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, pp. 73-74.
Gitelson Dudley & Dubnick 2004: The 7th Edition of Gitelson, Dudley & Dubnick's AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (Houghton Mifflin)
"A Framework for Examining Accountability and Value for Money in the UK's Private Finance Initiative," with I. Demirag and I. Khadaroo, JOURNAL OF CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP 15 (Autumn), pp. 63-76; reprinted in Towards Better Regulations, Accountability and Governance: Global Perspectives from Corporations and Civil Society, edited by I. Demirag, to be published by Greenleaf Publishing UK, in July 2005.
"Accountability And Ethics: Reconsidering the Relationships," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATION THEORY AND BEHAVIOR, 6, no. 3: 405-441; reprinted in "Accountability And Ethics: Reconsidering The Relationships," in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND PUBLIC POLICY (New York: Marcel Dekker, 2003): 1-14.
"Nurturing Civic Lives: Developmental Perspectives on Civic Education -- Introduction," PS: POLITICAL SCIENCE & POLITICS, 36, no. 2 (April, 2003): 253-255.
"Postscripts for a 'State of War': Public Administration and Civil Liberties After September 11." PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW, 62, Special Issue: Democratic Governance in the Aftermath of September 11, 2001 (September, 2002): 76-81.
"The Implications for Federalism," with Donald Haider-Markel, Richard Elling, David Niven and Paul D. Schumaker in CHOOSING A PRESIDENT: THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE AND BEYOND, edited by Paul D. Schumaker and Burdett A. Loomis (New York: Chatham House Publishers, 2002): 53-73.
"In Defense of the Electoral College," in THE EXCEPTIONAL ELECTION, edited by David Kimball (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001): 41-47.
Gitelson Dudley & Dubnick 2001: The 6th Edition of Gitelson, Dudley & Dubnick's AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (Houghton Mifflin)
"The Case for Administrative Evil: A Critique" Spirited Dialogue Essay PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW, 60, no. 5 (September/October, 2000): 452-462. (Winner of ASPA's Laverne Burchfield Award for the best critical book review essay of 2000.)
"The Challenges of Civic Education," in APSA LEGISLATIVE STUDIES SECTION NEWSLETTER, 23, no. 2 (July, 2000) [in EXTENSION OF REMARKS section]
"Movies and Morals: 'Energizing' Ethical Thinking Among Professionals," JOURNAL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS EDUCATION, 6, no. 3 (July, 2000): 147-159.
"Dialogue: Knowledge and Research," with Peter Bogason, John J. Kirlin, Kenneth J. Meier, Janet Foley Orosz, Jos C. N. Raadschelders and Curtis Ventriss, in ADMINISTRATIVE THEORY AND PRAXIS, 22, no. 2 (June, 2000): pp. 393-423 (Dubnick comments pp. 393-397; 399-402; 407-408; 420-423).
Gitelson Dudley & Dubnick 1998: The 5th Edition of Gitelson, Dudley & Dubnick's AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (Houghton Mifflin)
"Army Corps of Engineers," pp. 68-74; "Customs Service," pp. 142-149; and "Forest Service," pp. 256-260 in A HISTORICAL GUIDE TO AMERICAN GOVERNMENT, edited by George Kurian (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998).
"Accountability," with Barbara Romzek in THE INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION, edited by Jay M. Shafritz (Westview Press, 1998), volume 1, pp. 6-11; reprinted in DEFINING PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: SELECTIONS FROM THE INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION, edited by Jay M. Shafritz, (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 2000), pp. 382-395.
"Challenges to American Public Administration: Complexity, Bureaucratization, and the Culture of Distrust. " INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 19 (9, 1996):1481-1508.
Gitelson Dudley & Dubnick 1996: The 4th Edition of Gitelson, Dudley & Dubnick's AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (Houghton Mifflin)
"Farewell from the Catbird Seat (editorial)" with D. H. Rosenbloom, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW, 55, no. 6 (November/December, 1996): 503-505.
"Oklahoma City (editorial)" with D. H. Rosenbloom, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW, 55, no. 5 (September/October, 1995): 405-406.
"A Coup Against King Bureaucracy?" in DEREGULATING THE PUBLIC SERVICE: CAN GOVERNMENT BE IMPROVED?, edited by John DiIulio (Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1994): pp. 249-287.
"Editing the Policy Studies Journal and Public Administration Review," with D. H. Rosenbloom. In EDITORS AS GATE KEEPERS: GETTING PUBLISHED IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES, edited by R. J. Simon and J. J. Fyfe. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 1994: 45-57.
"Issues of Accountability in Flexible Personnel Systems," with B. Romzek In NEW PARADIGMS FOR GOVERNMENT: ISSUES FOR THE CHANGING PUBLIC SERVICE, edited by P. W. Ingraham and B. S. Romzek. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass: 1994 , pp. 263-294.
"State economic development policies and national economic growth," with R. Feiock and J. Mitchell. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION QUARTERLY 17 (1, Spring, 1993):55-67.
"Accountability and the Centrality of Expectations in American Public Administration," with B. Romzek. In RESEARCH IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, edited by J. L. Perry. Greenwich CT: JAI PRESS, 1993: 37-78.
Gitelson Dudley & Dubnick 1993: The 3rd Edition of Gitelson, Dudley & Dubnick's AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (Houghton Mifflin)
publish under co, with B. Romzek. New York: Macmillan, 1991.
Gitelson Dudley & Dubnick 1991: 2nd Edition of Gitelson, Dudley & Dubnick's AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (Houghton Mifflin)
"Accountability in the public sector: lessons from the Challenger tragedy," with B. Romzek. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW 47 (3, 1987):227-238. Winner of the 1987 Mosher Award for Best PAR Article of the Year.
"Industrial policy and the states," with L. Holt. PUBLIUS 15 (1), 1985:113-129.
"American states and the industrial policy debate." POLICY STUDIES REVIEW 4 (1), 1984: 22-27.
"Decentralization of Agriculture," with C.K. Rowland. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF POLITICAL SCIENCE 34 (3), 1982 :212-222.
"Regulatory Policy Analysis: Working in a Quagmire." with A. Gitelson. POLICY STUDIES REVIEW 1 (3) February, 1982:423-435.
"Government Regulation: Advice and Analysis," Public Administration Review, 41, no. 2 (March/April, 1981): 286-292.
"[Review of] Promise and Performance: Choosing and Implementing Environmental Policy," American Political Science Review, 75, no. 2 (June, 1981): 500-501.
"Nationalizing State Policies," with A. Gitelson. In THE NATIONALIZATION OF STATE GOVERNMENT, edited by J. J. Hanus. Lexington MA: Lexington Books, 1981: pp. 39-74; Chapter 2.
"Problems in U.S. Standard-Setting: The Implications of the Shift to Control Functions," with L. Walker. MIDWEST REVIEW OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 13 (1, March), 1979: 25-49.
THREE APPROACHES TO HEALTH CARE (Washington DC: American Political Science Association, 1978): Monograph with instructor’s manual developed under NSF project grant.
"Comparing Policy Alternatives." POLICY STUDIES JOURNAL 6 (2), 1977:368-75. Reprinted as"Comparing Policy Alternatives." In TEACHING POLICY STUDIES: WHAT AND HOW, edited by W. D. Coplin. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1978: 159-167.