The Gitelson, Dudley & Dubnick "Policy Connections":
A unique feature of the 12th edition was the addition of brief "Policy Connections" added to the end of each major chapter. These were included in the print editions in lieu of Chapters 15 (Domestic Policy and Policymaking) and 16 (Foreign and Defense Policy). Those two chapters were provided as an option at an online site.
I was responsible for the Policy Connection additions, each focused on a specific theme/question:
Policy Connection, Chapter 1: What is America's role in the world? (pp. 32-35)
Policy Connection, Chapter 2: What does it mean to say the public policies must be constitutional? (pp. 69-71)
Policy Connection, Chapter 3: How does federalism and IGR shape American public policy? (pp. 106-111)
Policy Connection, Chapter 4: Do national security policies threaten the American commitment to civil liberties? (pp. 142-145)
Policy Connection, Chapter 5: How important are human rights policies? (pp. 173-175)
Policy Connection, Chapter 6: Can public policymaking. Actually involve the "public"?? (pp. 205–207)
Policy Connection, Chapter 7: What kind of impact do political parties have on public policymaking? (pp. 233-235)
Policy Connection, Chapter 8: Are elections an effective way to make public policies? (pp. 271-273)
Policy Connection, Chapter 9: How do nonpolitical groups contribute to solving public policy problems? (pp. 299-301)
Policy Connection, Chapter 10: How do government policies shape the media landscape? (pp. 328-331)
Policy Connection, Chapter 11: What policies are responsible for the national debt? (pp. 362-365)
Policy Connection, Chapter 12: Does the president really control American foreign policy? (pp. 394-397)
Policy Connection, Chapter 13: What do administrative reform policies attempt to improve? (pp. 433-435)
Policy Connection, Chapter 14: What role does discretion play in our criminal justice system? (pp. 465-468)

Alan R. Gitelson, Robert L. Dudley, Melvin J. Dubnick
2016 Election (12th) Edition
Oxford University Press
Published: January 2017